Prevention of Food Sensitivities
5 Tips for Prevention of Food Allergy/Sensitivity:
-by Amy Timmerman, RN, BSN
Do a GI Map stool test. This test looks at overall gut health, including the presence of viruses, parasites, fungi and bacteria, immune response, inflammation, levels of normal flora and digestive efficiency. An imbalanced gut can be the root cause of allergies. Knowing where your gut is out of balance takes the guesswork out of treatment.
Get rid of inflammatory foods (dairy, gluten, soy, sugar, etc). Increased inflammation can dysregulate the body's immune response.
Rotate the foods you're able to eat. The more you overeat the same foods, the more likely the body will develop an allergy to that food. Rotation also allows for more nutrient and gut bacteria diversity.
Add digestive enzymes. These help to break down fats and proteins in your food. Poorly digested food is more likely to cause an immune reaction.
Boost low stomach acid. Stomach acid is critical for digestive enzyme production.