Have you been taking the same supplements for years?

When was the last time you had lab testing that was unique to your body, age, symptoms and life circumstances?

If it’s been a year or more since your last holistic health screening, you could be taking supplements that are no longer relevant, and/or missing things that would be a better investment in your health.

Not only is information and knowledge about supplements constantly evolving, changes in your health status can affect what supplements are most critical. These changes include:

  • Age and life stages

  • Altered lifestyle, diet or activity levels

  • Health conditions, including infections

  • Stress

  • New medications

  • and more!

Because many health conditions, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension develop without noticeable symptoms in their early stages, we recommend routine blood screening tailored to you at least once yearly. (These labs are billable to insurance.)

Conventional yearly lab work is typically limited in scope, and doesn’t include markers that could identify risk in its earliest stages. Early identification can inform personalized, proactive interventions and lifestyle changes that can prevent or reverse illness.

Have you been told your labs are normal when your values are barely inside the reference range, or worse yet, just outside it?

Trends in lab values, especially when they consistently move up or down over time, can indicate a worsening metabolic condition. Periodic lab testing can establish a baseline that allows for regular comparisons - a valuable tool for identifying potential health risks and guiding clinical decisions. Help could arrive long before there is even a diagnosable health condition.

We like to tell patients:

“When it’s harder to find, it’s easier to treat! This means the opposite is also true, that when it’s easier to find, it’s harder to treat.”

In other words, once a condition is identifiable in standard yearly lab work, it’s much more entrenched and difficult to reverse.

Consistent and comprehensive lab work that is tailored to you can identify disease in its early stages and be an essential component of a long-term plan for good health.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with either Caitlin or Francie to begin your own health journey, click here.


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