
Enjoy reading some success stories from our past clients that have had their lives changed through their time at Leaves of Life.
“15 years ago, I was existing on sugar and was as unhealthy as I had ever been in my life. A friend suggested I go see Patty at Leaves of Life. Well, basically, that suggestion changed my life. Patty was so compassionate and knowledgeable. She helped me completely change my diet and lifestyle and start down a road to better health. If you are on a mission to live a healthier lifestyle, Leaves of Life is a great place to start!”
“The Leaves of Life staff has been wonderful! We have specifically been working on Laser Allergy Elimination and my daughter’s eczema has significantly improved.”
“In the summer of 2016, I contracted Lyme’s from a tick bite. After 8 months of antibiotics, the infection was gone, but my gut was very damaged from the treatment. I was experiencing brain fog, fatigue and severe stomach/intestinal pain. Then, I learned of Leaves of Life and started working with Patty and Francie. In just a few short weeks, I started having partial days where I felt noticeably better, and this is increasing week by week as I continue following their advice and healing. This week I’ve had times where I feel the best I have felt in a very long time, and though I’m not completely done healing, I now know that I will, thanks to Leaves of Life.”
“For much of my life, I’ve had a weight problem, and in 2009, I started experiencing symptoms that told me something wasn’t right. It started with vision changes when I got overheated or stressed out, and progressed to numbness in one thigh, and then to complete numbness from my trunk down to my toes. Next my legs started giving out, and I could no longer lift my left foot on my own. After 7 months of seeing different specialists for workups and imaging, I learned I had Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Even though I knew MS isn’t fatal, it felt like a death sentence to me, and feeling sorry for myself, I allowed my diet and lifestyle to completely deteriorate. In August 2013, I started seeing Francie Silverman at Leaves of Life to address the inflammation in my body and hopefully avoid future MS flares. She started me on an elimination diet, and I started feeling better and losing weight. I met with Francie regularly and kept a food and activity journal, which really helped me to form new healthy habits and identify food sensitivities. To be honest, there were times I didn’t want to go to my appointment w/Francie because I was afraid of the number on the scale, but Francie never shamed or judged me, just gave me ideas for other options where I was struggling and provided accountability. I haven’t had any more MS flares since establishing care with Francie, and people I haven’t seen in a while don’t recognize me because I look so different. My bloodwork has all improved, and I feel better than I have ever felt before. I’m strong, healthy and ready to kick MS’s ass!”
“After a lifetime of mysterious ailments, body pain and miscarriage (my fingernails peeled in sheets), I booked an appointment with Patty Shipley. I had been to 8 doctors (including 4 specialists) and kept hearing statements like, “If you’re not going to take anti-depressants for your stomach issues then there is nothing I can do for you.” One specialist even told me that I would have to have the last 10 inches of my intestinal tract removed. I was fed up, confused and overwhelmed. Patty gave me a comprehensive diet and supplement program to help me regain my health. I was skeptical but willing to give anything a try. It was a slow process with a lot of trial and error, but she was with me all the way. Today my health is 90% better, I have two healthy children and I did not have to have intestinal surgery. Patty is my first call when I’m not feeling well and I would advise anyone with nagging, unresolved health issues to book an appointment!”
“Coming out of winter, feeling a bit off, I scheduled a yearly check up with Patty Shipley and she suggested some testing to take a deeper look. I’m typically healthy and full on energy, but had started to notice my eyes were chronically inflamed, red, dry and itchy. If the Grandkids had colds or flu, I would soon have it…and feeling tired was out of character for me.Patty put me on several things specific to my deficiencies, and suggested diet changes to enhance my immunity and build and sustain health. Within 3 days of starting my regimen, I woke and my eyes no longer felt like dry sandpaper—the redness was gone—WOW! No need for expensive eye drops or glasses. Three months later, my energy is back full speed ahead, skin, hair, nails dramatic improvement, muscle cramps are gone: all without guessing! FEELING AWESOME!”
“I was referred to Patty by my gynecologist for chronic yeast infections. I was also coughing a lot and couldn’t figure out why. Patty helped me change my diet and start a detox of my gut, but nothing was working. She asked if there could be mold in my apartment, and I told her that yes, there was quite a bit of mold in the bathroom inside and around the shower. She gave me instructions for cleaning it up, but it just came right back, so she wrote a letter for me to get out of my lease. Within one month of moving to a new apartment, my coughing and chronic yeast symptoms resolved completely! I sometimes wonder what would have become of me if I hadn’t found Patty and figured out the underlying reason for my illness.”
“I’ve been consulting with Patty Shipley for several years. Every issue that has cropped up, she has either helped me to overcome or has referred me to someone else with the right skills to help. When I first consulted with her, I couldn’t stand for any length of time without low back pain, and I had muscle aches in my legs that made walking difficult. Sometimes my whole body would ache, which made it difficult to do even minor daily functions. My mental acumen began to be affected also. I decided it was age related because I’m in my 70’s. Patty helped me change my diet and got me on a nutritional regimen that really helped with my energy levels, and recommended bodywork for me. I saw two different body workers, one in her practice and one outside her practice, and between the bodywork and Patty’s help, I am now more active than I have been in several years. My overall mood is significantly better!”
Heartburn! That is what originally brought me to Leaves of Life! I had numerous other issues, but this is the one thing I was certain needed a more holistic approach. After taking a daily Prilosec for ten plus years, I was determined to have an alternative. I saw Caitlin and that’s where we started. It’s been over a year and a half since my first visit and I no longer take Prilosec, and no longer have heartburn. But, that was just the start of my transformation successes.
I have stopped taking two of the three blood pressure medications that my primary family doctor had told me I was maxed out on the doses of each and there is no way I would ever be off them. I would have to take them for the rest of my life. (Well, I had heard that before - that’s what they said about the Prilosec). I am now also off a depression medicine that my primary family doctor said would be hard to get off of. She had to wean me off in increments.
I was morbidly obese (nice term they use at the doctor’s office) and was having no success changing this. I watched my calories, fasted, exercised in the morning on an empty stomach, and went to the gym after work. What else could I possibly do? When Caitlin said I was stressing my adrenal glands and my body was making too much of the stress hormone cortisol, I asked for her suggestions. Her advice - eat before I exercise, eat more, stop exercising so much. I thought, Are you kidding me? I can’t lose weight as it is, if I do that, I’m going to gain weight for sure. But, she added in some ideas to help with the process- working with my lymphatic system, breath work, improving sleep, reducing inflammation, etc.
It’s hard to believe it myself, and I can’t name one thing that caused this change in me. I just think it was a combination of all the self care. But I stopped going to the gym so much, stopped counting calories, and stopped obsessing about my next meal, and miraculously I started losing weight.
I also had chronic knee pain that has disappeared. It had gotten so severe I couldn't walk up and down the stairs without holding on to the railing. I was diagnosed with Lipedema and was told my legs would always be affected by it, but I changed my outlook and my mindset and used self-care techniques like working on my fascia and some amazing thing happened. At 54 I am the healthiest I have been in over 25 years.
I appreciate the time Caitlin took at every appointment to understand my issues and help me learn more about what my body needed. I learned so much and am so grateful for all that Leaves of Life has helped me to accomplish.