Abdominal massage can help pain relief, stress relief, and overall improvement of the digestive tract. It promotes metabolic and digestive functions. By increasing stimulation to blood flow to your abdominal region and intestines, you can keep your digestive system efficient.

Benefits Include:

  • Constipation

  • Bloating

  • Weight Loss/Toning

  • Menstrual Cramps/Pain

  • Fertility

  • Menopausal Symptoms

  • Aligning the Uterus

  • Improved Digestion

  • Anxiety and Stress Relief “Knot in your gut”

  • Stimulation and Waste Removal of Internal Organs (Gall bladder and Liver)

  • Spasms

Who should avoid abdominal massage:

  • Pregnant women

  • People with gallstones

  • People with kidney stones

  • People with calcium deposits in the bladder

  • Women with inflammation of any sort in the reproductive organs

  • People with hernias of any types

  • People with stomach or duodenal ulcers

  • People with any type of internal bleeding

How is Abdominal Massage Performed?

There are different techniques used in Abdominal Massage which include, holds, releases, circular techniques, breathing techniques, kneading, vibration, and light massage. Generally there is no pain associated, though you may have slight discomfort.

There are also self massaging techniques you can do at home, that can be recommended by your massage therapist.


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