Laser Allergy Treatment
“This safe, non-invasive device looks for antigens the body is reacting to, and then down-regulates the nervous system & endocrine system to react less, or not at all. This significantly reduces or eliminates all of your allergy symptoms.”
~ Caitlin Pfeil, our Laser Allergy Treatment Technician
Immune conditioning is performed with a Class III Laser by stimulating specific nerve bundles in order to “re-educate” the body’s immune response to act appropriately in the future when exposed to the actual allergen(s). This is based on the principles of acupuncture, but with the advanced use of lasers instead of needles.
For example, if milk allergies are to be addressed during a session, the laser will introduce the frequency for that particular milk allergen into the body. If a stress response is detected, the digital laser system will catalog it. Then, the practitioner uses the laser to stimulate specific acupuncture points in the body, which release endorphins and other chemicals that then overwrite the inappropriate, inflammatory response with a new, positive response.
Now, instead of that allergen causing your body to go into a habitual allergic reaction, the nervous system is retrained to respond normally when you drink milk. Through this three step process, a reconditioned nervous system response is developed, which is what replaces the old pathway, thus ridding you of that specific allergen.
The treatment takes between 20-30 minutes and is non-invasive and completely pain-free.
Laser allergy treatment can provide significant relief from food, environmental, animal and seasonal allergies. It can also benefit the following conditions:
Body Pain
Skin conditions (Eczema, Psoriasis, rashes)
Watch our YouTube Video to see a Laser Treatment: