Meridian BioScan
Also known as the Meridian Stress Assessment, this device uses the science behind our meridian points to find root causes of symptoms.
The Meridian BioScan, a class 2 FDA-approved medical device, is a safe, non-invasive device that is used to detect imbalances in the body. The BioScan provides an extraordinary perspective on the state of your body’s energetic health and balance by measuring electrical conductivity at response points (acupuncture or meridian points) on the hands and feet. A total of 58 points are used for testing, and are recorded to provide a profile of the client’s present condition. According to research, acupuncture points are related to the body’s organs and systems.
The BioScan can provide information on how organs, glands, and body systems are performing and how they’re reacting to environmental toxins, stress, emotions and more. It is a comprehensive, non-invasive and pain free test. It creates a complete circuit (like an EKG) using a highly sensitive Ohm meter that measures the flow of energy between each meridian point and organ.
After the initial assessment or measurements have been taken and recorded, the results can be viewed. If stress values are above or below the balance point, the systems’s extensive computer database will allow consideration of a wide range of possibilities that can help the client regain a healthy balance. The BioMeridian allows consideration of thousands of homeopathic, herbal and nutritional products.
Here’s what testing looks like:
At a typical appointment, the client sits in a chair and holds a brass handle in one hand, while the other hand is being tested using a stylus to touch the various acupuncture meridian points on the fingers. The information is visibly plotted on the computer, displaying the energy that point is exhibiting: stressed, weak or balanced.
Testing the small bowel point might indicate a possible imbalance with digestion/absorption, indicating to the technician that there is a need to look at other items that impact digestion and absorption. Low stomach acid, sluggish bile flow, flora imbalance are some of the possible underlying causes. Once the underlying cause is determined, the BioScan helps to determine from thousands of treatment options, what will work best with the client.
The BioScan does not provide a medical diagnosis.